Saturday, April 30, 2011

Storms 'a Comin' - 2011 Project 365 - Day 120 of 365

"Storms 'a Comin'"

Day 120 of 365

Huge storm clouds loom over the prairies in Southern Alberta, Canada.

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Newborn Giraffe - Photo of the Day - April 30th, 2011

"Newborn Giraffe"

A newborn reticulated giraffe, taken at the Calgary Zoo, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

After The Hailstorm - 2011 Project 365 - Day 119 of 365

"After The Hailstorm"

Day 119 of 365

After waking up to snow, then a late afternoon hailstorm the day ended with this beautiful sunset. Well worth it I think.

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Yellow Peony - Photo of the Day - April 29th, 2011

"Yellow Peony"

A close-up of a yellow peony flower in full bloom against the dark bacdrop of foliage. Taken at the Toronto Botanical Gardens in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bonaparte's Gulls - 2011 Project 365 - Day 118 of 365

"Bonaparte's Gulls"

Day 118 of 365

Two bonaparte's gulls are swimming in very choppy waters at Henderson Lake Park in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

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Snowy Owl - Photo of the Day - April 28th, 2011

"Snowy Owl"

These large owls have distinct white feathers.

This is the only owl species where the male and females can be distinguished by the colours of their feathers. Females have dark black mottling on their bodies while males appear almost completely white.

For warmth, their feathers are extremely thick even covering their entire legs, right to the talons on their feet.

They have a round head with no feather tufts, and bright yellow eyes.

Photo taken at the Calgary Zoo, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

View From St Mary's - 2011 Project 365 - Day 117 of 365

"View From St Mary's"

Day 117 of 365

A view from St. Mary's Reservoir Provincial Park looking towards the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada.

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Trumpeter Swan - Photo of the Day - April 27th, 2011

"Trumpeter Swan"

A trumpeter swan goes for a swim in the waters at the Calgary Zoo in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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Pelicans Along the Shoreline - 2011 Project 365 - Day 116 of 365

"Pelicans Along the Shoreline"

Day 116 of 365

A flock of American White Pelicans sun themselves along the shore of the Old Man River in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bald Eagle - 'Jefferson' - Photo of the Day - April 26th, 2011

"Bald Eagle - 'Jefferson'"
These birds are primarily dark coloured. By the time they are 4 or 5 years old, they will develop a distinctive white head and tail feathers. The adults also have a large yellow beak.

Juveniles often have white mottling, especially under their wings.

When seen soaring, these birds hold their wings horizontally flat and at a ninety degree angle to their bodies.

Taken at the Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, Alberta, Canada.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Head to Head - 2011 Project 365 - Day 115 of 365

"Head to Head"

Day 115 of 365

These to cows were standing on top of a hill, head to head and trying to push each other off of the hill. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. At one point another cow even got behind the red one to help push.

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Along the Shores - Photo of the Day - April 25th, 2011

"Along the Shores"

A photo of Henderson Lake in Lethbridge, Alberta taken from the east side of the lake facing the Henderson Lake Golf Course.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Still Lots of Snow in the Mountains - 2011 Project 365 - Day 114 of 365

"Still Lots of Snow in the Mountains"

Day 114 of 365

It was a beautiful sunny day today so I took a drive down to Waterton Lakes National Park. There is still a lot of snow in the mountains.

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Rocky Mountain Sheep - Photo of the Day - April 24th, 2011

"Rocky Mountain Sheep"

Bighorn sheep are named for their large, curved horns atop their heads that weigh around 14 kg on a male. Though both sexes have horns, the males are much larger, and are utilized in the headbutting battles for female's attention during mating season. These horns advertise to females a male's health and age since they continuously grow through his life. Their body also has double-layered skulls supported by struts and a huge tendon linking the head and spine to cushion the blows from their rival.

Photo taken at the Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada.

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